During the last few years, words such as “healing” and “holistic”have taken root in the world; and the number of women who are embracing them into their lifestyles is steadily rising.
This movement is manifesting in things such as: “relaxation spas,” “spas,” “organic cosmetics,”
“color therapy,” “body healing,” “spiritual salons,” “yoga,” “healing journeys,” “health equipment,” and “organic foods.”
Thus, this Holistic Healing industry is very broad, and an industry with unlimited potential. In this current event – the Healing Fair - the five main pillars are Beauty, Health, Healing, Spirituality,
and Ecology. At the venues we emphasize being able to see, touch, and experience, so this provides the visitor with an excellent opportunity to choose what is really important and necessary for them among the great variety of “products, services, and concepts.”
For women with particularly high sensitivity, there is a sense of the healing that must be in their lives. For example, sentiments such as: “Not just on the outside, but I want to be beautiful from the inside, too;”
“I desire to take very good care of myself;” and “I wish to heal my weary heart.”s
“Healing” is not just a passing fad. In the future, for holistic healing to become wider spread and further refined, it will become more necessary for there to be places where the users and companies can exchange information while continuing to mutually enjoy and appreciate one another.
To that end, we will make it a priority at this “Healing Fair” to disseminate information that is valid and of high quality.

A world renowned psychic, Geller began demonstrating abilities in telepathy and psychokinesis beginning around 1969. These abilities have been validated at the Stanford Research Institute in California, USA, and were published in the prestigious science magazine Nature as an academic paper. He has appeared on television in the U.S., Europe, as well as around the world, demonstrating his supernatural ESP powers; and his performances have become a big boom in Japan as well.

World class Tao Master. He is also the owner of the holistic resort in Thailand called the “Tao Garden.” He is a global teacher and reviver in the modern world of the Tao teachings that have been handed down from ancient times. Is also the founder of "Chi Nei Tsang" massage.

She is the founder of SWIHA, a Holistic Health educational institution in Tempe, Arizona, USA (South-West Institute of Healing Arts). With “toe readings” - “original” reading and healing method that uses the toes - at its center, the Institute teaches a variety of modalities, including hypnotherapy, life coaching, reflexology, and yoga. Ms. Miller has also appeared on American TV as a well known spiritual teacher.

Gudni is a psychic legendary healer from Iceland. He studied metaphysics as a child and subsequently studied esoteric material that's been passed on to only those who have been chosen for thousands of years in a mystery school. After being initiated into and taught the esoteric material under masters of both the East and the West, in 1997 he founded the Rocky Mountain Mystery School (www.mmsjapan.jp), and for the first time exposed the public to the esoteric material. There are currently Rocky Mountain Mystery School centers in 27 countries around the world.

Frank is one of the most famous and well respected master of the Hula in the world. He is also a Kahuna, conveyer of the ancient and unbroken Hawaiian wisdom. At the world-wide “Merry Monarch (Hula) Festival” he has served as a judge. He has also served as supervisor at the “Hula Ho'olauna Aloha Convention” with a representative role. In addition, he has served for many years as a chanter for government-related public ceremonies for the state of Hawaii for many years. He is also a singer songwriter of many Hawaiian songs.

Levanah is the president of "Clearsight,” USA in Santa Monica, CA. For over 28 years, she has been leading in the areas teaching the development of abilities in the areas of healing, clairvoyance, and meditation. Placing aura readings at the center, she leads numerous seminars and programs on “laying on of hands” and the like. A born artist, she also stays active in creating paintings and accessories.

Amarin is the one of only seven “teacher of teachers” who teach Aura-Soma in the world. In 1994, she discovered Aura-Soma and in 1996 became the first Japanese to receive the credentials to teach Aura-Soma through the Aura-Soma Company in the United Kingdom. Besides teaching in Japan, she is the only Japanese teacher who has taught Aura-Soma courses at India's Osho Multiversity, known for its high quality.

Of course in his home country Ireland, as well as in many countries such as UK and USA, Aidan Storey guides and teaches spirituality. His delicate and clear channeling has said to be healing itself and highly praised. He is an Angel therapist, a Seichem (wind and water) master teacher, and also a Reiki master.

Chris Griscom is a spiritual teacher, a healer, and a visionary (fantasy fiction). She is also the author of 14 books which have been translated - and released - into 13 different languages. She established in Galisteo, New Mexico the Light Institute as a spiritual healing center and the Nizhoni School for global awareness and awakening. In July of 2002 she was nominated for the prestigious Templeton Award, established for the evolution of religion by the United States Congress and Senate. Her service and contribution to humanitarian principles in the areas of Holistic Health and education have twice been acknowledged by the Alternative Medicine Commission of Calcutta, India. In 1996 she was also awarded the “Seva Chakra Award” - an award given to His holiness the Dalai Lama and the late Mother Teresa. Her activity is acknowledged on a world-wide scale.

Mystica is the founder of Unio Misty Oil and the healing art "Loving Touch." She is also the co-author of the “Unio Mysty Cards." She specializes in work related to the area of the heart. She researched the healing art of energy work in Burma, Nepal. For a seven-year period she received training with a Sufi master. Mystica is active as a mystic, painter, writer, teacher, meditator, mother, designer, and healer; she has also performed initiations around the world as a Reiki master.

He is a disciple of Amma, “the hugging saint” who has embraced 30 million people around the world with her compassionate embrace. He participates in all kinds of charity and volunteer activities, including: Support of children, women, and the needy, as well as volunteering for the reconstruction and support of overseas disasters and their victims through non-profit organizations such as the "Amrita Heart" NPO that he directs.

Duncan is a charismatic yoga arts instructor who might even be considered the one to spark the current “Yoga boom.” He is the founder of “Yoga Arts,” and has taught a number of celebrities such as Madonna, Bjork, Demi Moore, Kate Moss, and the like.
Besides those mentioned above, Barbara Ann Brennan has done PR for the Healing Fair as well.

Japan's leading supermodel. She has appeared at home and abroad, in leading fashion magazines, ads for leading brands, fashion shows, and campaigns. Ms. Tominaga is paving the way for greater presence of Asian models in the fashion world.

Currently, Japan's most well-known astrology researcher. He also works as a translator. He presents a number of “series” - on television, radio, magazines, and the Internet; and he's mostly popular among a wide range of women.

Ms. Noda is a member of the House of Representatives (LDP). She has served as a member of the House of Representatives (LDP). Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, coordinating steering committee member of the House of Representatives, Vice-chairman of the LDP Diet Affairs Committee, Extraordinary Minister of the Cabinet Office, and Minister Responsible for Consumer Policy and Promotion. In 2011, after many years of infertility treatment, her eldest son and wife gave birth to a boy, and since then she has put effort into helping women who struggle with infertility issues.

Amon is a producer, born in Tokyo in 1958. Through casting and choreography, he went to study abroad in London and New York for two years. After returning in 1987, he debuted as a director in the original musical "I Got Merman." In the fall of 2004, he worked in New York as the first Asian director of the “Pacific Ocean Overture” on Broadway. The same work was nominated in four areas for the Tony Award nominations in 2005.

Japan's leading actress. Beginning with being awarded Japan's First "Best Supporting Actress Academy Award” for her role in the “Lucky Yellow Handkerchief” (Koufuku no Kiiroi Hankachi), Ms. Momoi has continued to win Best Actress awards one after another. In 2005, she played the empress role in the Russian film Sun, directed by maestro Alexander Sokurov; she also appeared in Steven Spielberg's production, SAYURI, a Hollywood movie directed by Rob Marshall. By playing rolls overseas, she gained high acclaim. In the spring of 2008, her achievements were highly acclaimed and she received the "Purple Ribbon" Medal.

Flower artist. Shogo Kariyazadi has an established reputation with his delicate sense of color, yet bold, distinctive style. He handled the general production of flowers for the former U.S. President Clinton's celebration and for the Memorial Ceremony of the Japanese emperor's 10-years reign. At the Aichi Expo he put together the standing flowers: “Butterfly, a feast of ballet and performance.” He is a world-renowned fashion designer. He has also worked on collaborations of flowers and fashion with colleagues such as Yumi Katsura and Hanae Mori; and he ranks very high, both among the VIP on the inside as well as the out.

She traveled to LA as a single woman to participate in the World Tour of Michael Jackson and Babyface. She took to the world stage as a Japanese dancer and succeeded. She appeared in video clips and TV shows with numerous artists such as Prince, Paula Abdul, and Sheila · E. Currently, she holds workshops and private lessons, incorporating dance and yoga as an “Awakening” Instructor.

After graduating from the University of Tokyo, Hiroshi joined the Ministry of Finance. They experienced married life living abroad. After Mr. Yamakawa's retirement, they became translators. In addition to translating a large number of books by famous foreign healers, they also write their own books, lead workshops, and participate in many activities. Their translations include numerous books like: "The Alchemist" (author Paulo Coelho, Kadokawa Bunko), "The Celestine Prophecy", (by James Redfield, Kadokawa Bunko), "Camino – A Journey of the Spirit" (Shirley Maclaine, Asuka Shinsha), "Meditation: Achieving Inner Peace and Tranquility In Your Life" (by Bryan Weiss, PHP Institute).