
株式会社ダイナビジョン 代表取締役

作家、講演家、スピリチュアルリーダーとして、 世界中で活躍中。独自のヒーリング手法を開発し、 世界で誰も行っていなかったパワースポットからのグループ遠隔セッションを2005年よりスタート。いまでも最も人気のあるグループセッションのひとつになっている。起業当初は、人材育成コンサルタントとして活動。 国内外のグローバル企業にて研修などをおこなっていた。
1996年南米ペルーのマチュピチュへ訪れた頃より、 スピリチュアリティへの目覚めが深まり、 以後、世界中のスピリチュアルリーダーたちに師事し教えをうける。
シャスタ山にてアモラ・クァン・インにより、 設立された古代レムリア時代から伝承されている 人生の学校ドルフィンスターテンプルミステリースクールを2000年に日本へ紹介。
2001年にドルフィンスターテンプルジャパンを設立し、 日本で初めての認定講師となる。
2013年に創始者アモラ・クァン・インの没後、 7カ国に展開されている、 ドルフィンスターテンプルミステリースクールインターナショナルの理事長に就任。多言語、マルチカルチャーな環境で教えを広めている。現在は、世界の聖地を巡るなど、1年の3分の1を海外で過ごしている。
また、海外のスピリチュアルイベントに招かれ、 フランス、アメリカ、ブラジル、 インドなどチャネリングワークショップやスピリチュアル系 自己啓発のセミナー、および個人セッションを行っている。
スピリチュアル・セラピストやヒーラー育成に情熱を注ぎ、 チャネリングマスター認定コースをはじめ、 レインボーエンジェルセラピスト認定コース、 スピリチュアルソウルコーチング認定コース、 インナーチャイルドセラピスト養成コースを開催し、 現在では1800名以上のセラピストとヒーラーを育成。
これまで16,500人以上が受講してきた個人セッションは好評で、 公開後すぐに予約が埋まってしまう。 ビジネスキャリアの経験を活かしながら、 現実世界にスピリチュアルを融合させる”スピリアルライフ”の提唱者として、スピリチュアルな教えを日常で活かす方法を広めている。
■穴口恵子が代表を務める株式会社ダイナビジョン 公式HP http://dynavision.co.jp/
会場:ポートメッセなごや 第3展示館
会場:ポートメッセなごや 交流センター内会議室
Keiko Anaguchi
CEO, Dynavision Corporaton
Spiritual Life Advocator
As an author, lecturer, and spiritual Leader, Keiko Anaguchi actively works throughout the world. Developed own healing method, she is a precursor for distance group sessions from power spots launched in 2005. It is one of the most popular group sessions.
Initially, she worked as human resource consultant and provided seminars at global corporations. In 1996, she visited Machu Picchu and deepened her spiritual awaking. Since then, she learned from spiritual leaders in the world. In 2000, she brought “Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School”, a SpiritualLife School passed from the ancient Lemurian era, established by Amorah Quan Yin, to Japan, established Dolphin Star Temple Japan, and became the first Japanese certified instructor.
After Amorah Quan Yin passed away in 2013, Anaguchi became the president of Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School International which spreads in seven countries. She continues to teach in multi-lingual and multi-cultural environment. She is also invited to spiritual events abroad including France, USA, Brazil, and India and provides channeling workshops, spiritual self-development seminars, and private sessions. She spends one third of year outside of Japan.
Anaguchi brings passion to educate spiritual therapists and healers providing various certified courses. Up to date, she produced over 1,800 therapists and healers.
Her individual sessions, which over 16,500 people participated, gained good reputation and are quickly filled. Utilizing business career experiences, she spread a method to use spiritual teaching in daily life as an advocator of spiritual life fusing spiritual into the real world.
■Dynavision Corporaton:
Keiko Anaguchi is a well-known spiritual teacher, author, and public speaker in Japan. She is recognized for manifesting a spiritual message into realistic form.
She channels AMATERASU – the divine feminine of the Sun known as the bringer of light from the heaven. She is a channel for Quan Yin, Sanat Kumara among others. She is a best-selling Japanese author of various titles, some of which include Find Your Own Angels, Law of Attraction: Life is Full of Miracles, etc. Serving over 25,000 clients in the past 20 years, she leads spiritual tours to Mt. Shasta and Sedona in the U.S., as well as to Southern France, Egypt, Peru, and other sacred sites around the world.
She owns Shasta Rainbow Angels in Mount Shasta, California . Keiko is dedicated to sharing her vision of the future helping others experience happiness, joy, and peace.
In 1995, she founded a spiritually based business, Dynavision Corporaton, in order to serve humanity to awaken its highest potential. The company offers many self-help training programs in Japan and brings authors from all over the world to present. The company now has metaphysical stores in Tokyo, Osaka, Okinawa, and Mount Shasta in California.
Anaguchi is a leading channel who graduated from Barbara Brennan Healing School of Science. For over 30 years, Keiko has dedicated her life t implementing various spiritual practices which have led to her current success and happiness. She is also the President of Dolphin Star Temple Japan and ministers Dolphin Star Mystery School teachings, which have been based all over the world and in Mount Shasta since 1994. Keiko has trained and certified over 1,000 people and popularized the DST teachings in Japan.
She has become a clear channel for new teachings coming to the planet, providing a platform to share her knowledge of spiritual growth and awakening. As her vision continued to grow, she bought an organization called Ascension Mastery International in 2011. AMI’s inventory is one of the largest spiritual image collections offered both internationally and in the United States. Their prints can be found in retail stores, online shopping sites, and in thousands of homes worldwide.
Anaguchi has 10,000 subscribers to her e-mail magazine, Magic for Manifesting Your Dream. She writes columns for the Japanese Spiritual Magazine Star People of Earth, and also appears in other spiritual magazines in Japan such as Anemoe and Yuhobika.
She is author of Find your own Angels, Law Of Attraction: Life is Full of Miracles and Your Happiness is Guaranteed by the Universe. These books are available in Japanese.
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